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Mason Jar DIY


The Mason jar has made a comeback in recent years, but I’m not just talking about food storage.  Yes, glass jars are great for storing vegetables through the winter and all manner of other food stuffs, but these days, Mason jars are shabby chic decorating tools too.  Not convinced?  Do a Pinterest search for Mason jars and see how many hits you get!  

These glass jars make great lighting fixtures; you can hang them, make a table lamp or tint them and put a candle in them for outdoor lighting.  Use standalone Mason jars to store bathroom items or mount them to create a glass jar wall organizer.  Paint a Mason jar with metallic or pastel paints for shabby chic flower vases, or cover the jar with mosaic tiles.  You can even make a strike-able match holder by inserting a piece of sand paper in the lid of a Mason jar.  Whether you mount, paint, light, or organize with your mason jars, these jars are so versatile.