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George W. Bush's Stunning Rebuke Of Donald Trump

President George W. Bush breaks a nine-year silence to deliver a powerful rebuke to a sitting President. President Obama’s talking too. We’ll think about their critiques and President Trump.

He never named Donald Trump.  But when former President George W. Bush took the stage last week in New York, he came armed with a blistering attack on the features of the Trump presidency that have become perceived hallmarks.  The most recent Republican president tearing into the ways, the reputation, of the sitting Republican president.  It was astonishing, especially for an ex-president – Bush – who has long held his tongue.  This hour, On Point:  Former president George W. Bush, and the ways of President Donald Trump. —Tom Ashbrook


Mary Frances Berry, professor of American social thought and history at the University of Pennsylvania. (@DrMFBerry)

Chris Buskirk, publisher and editor of the website “American Greatness.” (@thechrisbuskirk)

Robert Dallek, presidential historian.

From Tom’s Reading List

New York Times: Without Saying ‘Trump,’ Bush And Obama Deliver Implicit Rebukes — “In separate and unrelated appearances, former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama both warned that the United States was being torn apart by ancient hatreds that should have been consigned to history long ago and called for addressing economic anxiety through common purpose. While not directly addressing Mr. Trump, neither left much doubt whom and what they had in mind.”

CNN: George W. Bush Just Laid A Major Smackdown On Trumpism — “The 43rd president of the United States — and the last Republican to hold the office before Donald Trump — didn’t mention the 45th president by name in his speech at the George W. Bush Institute. But Trump — and his views — were ever-present in the former President’s address.”

NBC News: Ex-Presidents Sent Trump A Pointed Message — “‘I haven’t been commenting a lot on politics lately, but here’s one thing I know: If you have to win a campaign by dividing people, you’re not going to be able to govern it,’ Obama said while campaigning for Democrat Ralph Northam in Virginia.”

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Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in a 2010 file photo in Palo Alto, Calif.  (Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP File)
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in a 2010 file photo in Palo Alto, Calif. (Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP File)