Reuse Everyday Objects 3

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When you start thinking about all the possibilities, reusing what you already have becomes a fun game.  For example, those large black binder clips can be clipped to your desk and used as electric cord keepers for your computer or even your cell phone charger.

Got a PC keyboard with broken feet?  You can remove the metal clasp from the binder clip and attach them to the bottom of the keyboard to create new feet.  Cut a pool noodle length ways and attach half to your garage wall to protect your car door from dings.  Or put a pool noodle under the fitted sheet of a child’s bed to prevent him from rolling onto the floor in the night.  Use a hanging shoe rack in your laundry room to store cleaning products away from children and pets.  Toothpaste can be used to polish dingy car headlights, and ketchup will polish silver in no time!  What other ways can you think of to reuse items in your home?

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