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Rebecca Santana/Associated Press

  • The American refugee program long served as a haven for people fleeing violence around the world. Today, it's rebounding from dwindling arrivals under the Trump administration. President Joe Biden's administration has worked to streamline the process of screening and placing people in America, and resettlement agencies have opened more sites around the country.
  • A coalition of conservative-leaning states is trying to keep in place a Trump-era public health rule that allows many asylum seekers to be turned away at the southern U.S. border. Late Monday, the 15 states moved to intervene in legal proceedings surrounding the public health rule referred to as Title 42. The rule uses emergency authority to allow the United States to keep migrants from seeking asylum at the border, based on the need to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The 15 states that filed the motion to intervene are Arizona, Alabama, Alaska, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.