My Telehealth Podcasts

Doctor Provides Opioid Addiction Counseling for Pregnant Mothers

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Julia Shillinglaw

Dr. Constance Guille is fighting the opioid epidemic in her own way. She is a psychologist from the Medical University of South Carolina, and was concerned with the effects that addiction has on both a mom's health and her infant's.

Dr. Guille’s program was started to provide therapy counseling and treatment to mothers who were either referred by their OB-GYNs or had reached out on their own needing help. One tool Dr. Guille has used to reach more people is telehealth. She can come to her patients virtually at their local doctor’s office instead of them having to travel to Charleston to get to her.

Dr. Guille says that already the program has affected so many women’s lives for the better, and looks forward to what she can do in the future to provide more care for them.

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