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“C” is for Chalmers, Lionel (1715-1777)

“C” is for Chalmers, Lionel (1715-1777). Physician, scientist. A native of Scotland, Chalmers studied medicine at one of the Scottish universities. He immigrated to Charleston in 1737 and established a practice and in 1740 became the partner of Dr. John Lining. Between 1750 and 1759 Chalmers compiled his own series of meteorological records in Charleston, which he later combined with those of Lining as An Account of the Weather and Diseases in South Carolina (London, 1776). In 1767 he published Essay on Fevers that was reprinted in London (1768) and in Riga in German (1773). His work was highly regarded in his time by English and Scottish physicians and educators. In Charleston, he was port physician and member of the Charleston Library Society. In 1756 St. Andrews University in Scotland conferred on Lionel Chalmers, the M.D. degree.

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Dr. Walter Edgar has two programs on South Carolina Public Radio: Walter Edgar's Journal, and South Carolina from A to Z. Dr. Edgar received his B.A. degree from Davidson College in 1965 and his Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina in 1969. After two years in the army (including a tour of duty in Vietnam), he returned to USC as a post-doctoral fellow of the National Archives, assigned to the Papers of Henry Laurens.