Fetal Heartbeat Abortion Bill Heads to Debate in the SC House

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This year’s attempt by pro-life members of the state legislature to pass restrictions on abortions is centered in the House of Representatives.  A bill that would ban almost all abortions if a fetal heartbeat is detected in a woman passed the House Judiciary Committee this week on a mostly party line vote. Experts say a fetal heartbeat can typically be detected around the sixth week of pregnancy.

Similar laws have been enacted by other states as abortion foes hope to get a case before the US Supreme Court to challenge the 1973 Roe v Wade ruling.  Georgia passed such a law last week.   Democrats on the Republican controlled Judiciary Committee questioned supporters about why the state might ultimately have to spend money to defend a law similar to ones that federal courts have ruled un-constitutional.

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Russ McKinney has 30 years of experience in radio news and public affairs. He is a former broadcast news reporter in Spartanburg, Columbia and Atlanta. He served as Press Secretary to former S.C. Governor Dick Riley for two terms, and for 20 years was the chief public affairs officer for the University of South Carolina.