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South Carolina State Guard Conducts Hurricane Training

South Carolina State Guard

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — The South Carolina State Guard is preparing for hurricane season by holding a training exercise Saturday.

The organization is using a dire scenario to practice its preparation — a Category 3 hurricane making landfall between Charleston and Myrtle Beach as a tropical storm which was once a strong hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico as it approaches the state from the west.

There would be a major threat of wind damage, power outages and flooding throughout the state if that happened.

The all-volunteer South Carolina State Guard does search and rescue missions, legal support, engineering, medical and other services. They work with the South Carolina National Guard and state and local emergency officials and law enforcement.

The South Carolina Guard helped as four hurricanes either threatened or brushed by the state in the past five years.

The guard was founded more then 350 years ago.