Making It Grow Minutes

A Simple Water Feature Attracts Birds to Your Yard

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  Hello Gardeners, I'm Amanda McNulty with Clemson Extension and Making It Grow. At a bird banding site with DNR's Lex Glover, there was a clever get up to attract those featured friends. The crew placed a portable water carrier on a mounted pole and let it drip into a shallow basin sitting on the ground below. Ten drops a minute is enough to catch the attention of nearby birds and they respond quickly to that sound that clues them into a fresh supply of water. Birds are more successful rearing babies when there're plenty of insects nearby and being closer to fresh water makes their job easier, too. You can spend several hundred dollars and have a beautiful water feature or go as low tech as putting an old dinged ceramic serving bowl on the ground in an open spot. The key is changing the water frequently so it stays fresh and doesn't serve as an incubator for mosquitoes.

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