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Disposing of Unwanted Pesticides

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Hello Gardeners, I’m Amanda McNulty with Clemson Extension and Making It Grow. Frequently people call Extension offices asking what to do with unused pesticides they have at their home. Or a parent has died and the family is faced with a shed filled with outdated products that are no longer recommended for use. These products can’t be taken to your local country landfills and they absolutely should not be poured out on the ground.

Fortunately, the South Carolina Department of Agriculture has recognized the danger these products could present to our environment and is paying for a series of free collection sites to be offered around the state. This program allows private citizens, commercial and non-commercial applicators to bring chemicals (with certain restrictions) to sites that are offered throughout the state. From there they’ll be taken to a properly designed and monitored storage facility. For more information contact John Stokes at the South Carolina Department of Agriculture. 

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Amanda McNulty is a Clemson University Extension Horticulture agent and the host of South Carolina ETV’s Making It Grow! gardening program. She studied horticulture at Clemson University as a non-traditional student. “I’m so fortunate that my early attempts at getting a degree got side tracked as I’m a lot better at getting dirty in the garden than practicing diplomacy!” McNulty also studied at South Carolina State University and earned a graduate degree in teaching there.