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Sneezeweed cultivars

Making It Grow Radio Minute
SC Public Radio

Hello, I’m Amanda McNulty with Clemson Extension and Making It Grow. The wildflower, Helenium amarum with the unfortunate name bitter sneezeweed is an annual that seeds down prolifically. ‘Texas Gold; is a handsome yellow cultivar that boosts of being “Texas Tough” and there’re other cultivars, some annuals, some perennials, from American and British breeders that are stunning in yellows, oranges and reds and still are tough as nails. If you want a wildflower area in a place you can’t water, some of these sneezeweed cultivars would be perfect to use. They’re very attractive to pollinators – like most aster family members, their central disc flowers open in succession over a period of time, so native pollinators, bees, flies, moths and butterflies, can visit them for weeks. And if you need some emergency snuff, its right on hand.

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Amanda McNulty is a Clemson University Extension Horticulture agent and the host of South Carolina ETV’s Making It Grow! gardening program. She studied horticulture at Clemson University as a non-traditional student. “I’m so fortunate that my early attempts at getting a degree got side tracked as I’m a lot better at getting dirty in the garden than practicing diplomacy!” McNulty also studied at South Carolina State University and earned a graduate degree in teaching there.