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invasive plants

  • Clematis terniflora, sweet autumn clematis, is a woody and fragrant vine known for its white flowers. It is considered an invasive plant.
  • Clematis terniflora, sweet autumn clematis, is a woody and fragrant vine known for its white flowers. It is considered an invasive plant.
  • Clematis paniculata (in Māori puawhananga) is a species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae. It is one of seven species of clematis native to New Zealand. C. paniculata is the most common of these, and is widespread in forest throughout the country.It is invasive, however, and displays aggressive growth in many areas of North America. C. terniflora can climb nearly 10 metres high, smothering trees and pulling down telephone poles.
  • Clematis paniculata (in Māori puawhananga) is a species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae. It is one of seven species of clematis native to New Zealand. C. paniculata is the most common of these, and is widespread in forest throughout the country.It is invasive, however, and displays aggressive growth in many areas of North America. C. terniflora can climb nearly 10 metres high, smothering trees and pulling down telephone poles.
  • Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) is one of the worst invasive plants in the South. It dominates the shrub layer and often becomes the only shrub underneath trees, especially in streamside areas. But insects and spiders living in fallen leaves and leaf litter were not affected by a privet invasion in Georgia, as a recent study shows.
  • Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) is one of the worst invasive plants in the South. It dominates the shrub layer and often becomes the only shrub underneath trees, especially in streamside areas. But insects and spiders living in fallen leaves and leaf litter were not affected by a privet invasion in Georgia, as a recent study shows.
  • A stinky but handsome and widely popular landscape tree has become an aggressive invader. Callery pears create dense thickets that overwhelm native plants and bear four-inch spikes that can flatten tractor tires. Bradford pears and other ornamental Callery pears were cultivated from an import that saved pear orchards from a deadly fungus. And for decades, the decorative trees seemed near perfect, aside from a tendency to fall apart after about 15 years — and their stench. But they cross pollinated with other ornamental varieties. Invasive stands now have been reported in more than 30 states. Fourteen states have formally listed the trees as invasive.
  • Beach vitex was first brought to the Carolinas to help restore sand dunes after Hurricane Hugo. It didn't work as planned.
  • The Bradford pear was introduced as a desireable tree for yard and landscape. Now it has become invasive.
  • The Bradford pear was introduced as a desireable tree for yard and landscape. Now it has become invasive.