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  • “Sonata form” and the musical form known as the sonata are not the same thing. A sonata is a piece - usually for piano or for piano and one other instrument—that’s composed of several distinct sections called movements.
  • “Sonata form” and the musical form known as the sonata are not the same thing. A sonata is a piece - usually for piano or for piano and one other instrument—that’s composed of several distinct sections called movements.
  • The word sonata comes from the Italian sonare, an old form of suonare, which means “to sound,” or “to play,” as in “to play an instrument.”
  • The word sonata comes from the Italian sonare, an old form of suonare, which means “to sound,” or “to play,” as in “to play an instrument.”
  • Bach and Mozart died over two hundred years ago – – Is there anybody alive today whose music will be played two hundred years from now? It’s a tricky question.
  • Bach and Mozart died over two hundred years ago – – Is there anybody alive today whose music will be played two hundred years from now? It’s a tricky question.
  • And what about those musicians—Beethoven being only the most famous of many—who can hear combinations of pitches in their heads—chords, harmonies—and can invent, just in their heads, sequences of harmonies that have never been heard before?
  • And what about those musicians—Beethoven being only the most famous of many—who can hear combinations of pitches in their heads—chords, harmonies—and can invent, just in their heads, sequences of harmonies that have never been heard before?
  • A violin may look perfectly symmetrical from the outside, but on the inside it’s not symmetrical at all.
  • A violin may look perfectly symmetrical from the outside, but on the inside it’s not symmetrical at all.