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SC state employees

  • South Carolina's economy keeps doing better than predicted, leading the House to vote to increase the raises it wants to give to nearly every state employee. The new $13 billion budget passed 105-12 by the House matches the raises proposed last month by the Senate. If the spending plan for fiscal year 2023-24 is approved by the governor, state workers who make less than $50,000 would get a $2,500 bump in pay, while employees would get a 5% raise if they make more than $50,000. Also on Tuesday officials said the state's economy continues to do better than predicted and the General Assembly would have an extra $800 million to spend.
  • After years of rapid growth in tax collections, South Carolina lawmakers want to share the windfall with nearly every state employee. The Senate Finance Committee has approved a $13 billion budget for the next fiscal year that would provide raises for nearly everyone. State employees would get a $2,500 bump in their base pay if they make less than $50,000 and a 5% raise if they make more than $50,000. The spending plan heading to the Senate floor later this month also provides teachers a $2,500 raise at every position and experience level.