Wildlife and Trash

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Reducing, reusing and recycling are the first three steps in any plan to go green.  But even when recycling, you should be careful of how you dispose of certain items that can end up in our eco-system.  Bringing your own reusable shopping bags is the best option, but every now and then it will happen that you end up with a plastic bag or two.  When disposing of these bags, be sure to tie them in a dense knot and place them at the bottom of your recycling bin to prevent them from blowing away into natural habitats where they can wreak havoc on wildlife.  Just like plastic bags, balloons can cause damage to wildlife that might mistake them for a food source, so completely deflate, cut and bag used balloons when disposing of them.  You should avoid releasing helium balloons outdoors because those can rise up to five miles before they freeze and burst into tiny pieces that may then be consumed by wildlife! 

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