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Latest Episodes of the SC Business Review
Latest episodes of Walter Edgar's Journal
  • Abraham Lincoln, February 9, 1864
    Anthony Berger
    Library of Congress
    This week, we offer you an encore of an episode from our broadcast archive: A fascinating conversation with Dr. Vernon Burton, the Judge Matthew J. Perry Jr. Distinguished Professor of History at Clemson University, and Dr. Peter Eisenstadt, affiliate scholar in the Department of History at Clemson University.Walter will be talking with Peter and Vernon about their book, Lincoln’s Unfinished Work: The New Birth of Freedom from Generation to Generation, a collection of essays from a conference that they directed at Clemson University which discussed many of the dimensions of Lincoln’s “unfinished work” as a springboard to explore the task of political and social reconstruction in the United States from 1865 to the present day.The conference was not solely about Lincoln, or the immediate unfinished work of Reconstruction, or the broader unfinished work of America coming to terms with its tangled history of race; it investigated all three topics – as does our conversation.
  • "Where the Shrimp Pickers Live," 1940, oil on canvas.
    Dusti Bongé (1903-93)
    Mississippi Museum of Art, Jackson, MS. Gift of Dusti Bongé Art; Foundation, Inc. 1999.012
    This week we will be talking with Jonathan Stuhlman and Martha Severens about their book, Southern/Modern: Rediscovering Southern Art from the First Half of the Twentieth Century (2024, UNC Press). Jonathan Stuhlman is the Senior Curator of American Art at the Mint Museum in Charlotte, NC, and Martha Severens is in independent scholar based in the upstate of South Carolina. Together they have created a book that springs from an exhibition at the Mint but is so much more than just a catalog for the exhibit.
Latest Episodes of the SC Lede
  • South Carolina Public Radio’s Maayan Schechter and The Associated Press’ Meg Kinnard joins host Gavin Jackson in studio on Oct. 30, 2024 for the pre-election show live taping.
    Aimee Crouch
    On this episode of the South Carolina Lede for November 2, 2024: a special crossover of the Lede and “This Week in South Carolina,” taped live at SCETV’s studios in Columbia. Gavin is joined by Associated Press national politics reporter Meg Kinnard and South Carolina Public Radio’s Maayan Schechter to discuss Election 2024 up and down the ballot before a studio audience.
  • Provided
    SC Public Radio
    On this episode of the South Carolina Lede for October 29, 2024: we hear more from State Election Commission Director Howard Knapp; the latest from S.C. teenagers who have been disenfranchised by the SCDMV that failed to register them to vote; a new poll on what S.C. voters think is most important this election; and more!
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