Staycation Ideas

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A couple of years ago when the recession hit hard and Americans were beginning to really pinch pennies, the term “Staycation,” became popular.  What is a Staycation, you ask?  Put simply, it means to stay at home for vacation rather than taking a trip.  Not only can this type of vacation help you save money, but it’s certainly very eco-friendly in terms of the gas you’ll save by not driving or flying to a destination.  So, what kinds of activities make a staycation fun?  How about plan a camping trip in the back yard?  Pull out that old tent and pitch it in the yard for a night of s’mores and ghost stories.  Or spend the day riding bicycles around town.  Plan a bike route to a museum and lunch and then peddle the afternoon away at the park.  Set up a water park in the back yard.  All you’ll need is a hose and a sprinkler and voila- instant water fun.

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