“D” is for DuBose, William Porcher (1836-1918). Professor, theologian.
“D” is for DuBose, William Porcher (1836-1918). Professor, theologian.
“H” is for Holmes, Nickels John (1847-1919). Clergyman, educator.
“H” is for Holmes, Nickels John (1847-1919). Clergyman, educator.
“L” is for Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin (1790-1879). Educator, author, clergyman.
“L” is for Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin (1790-1879). Educator, author, clergyman.
On this episode of the South Carolina Lede for November 5, 2024: America votes! It is election day in America; we look at what some pastors from across the state preached from the pulpit on Sunday; we also look at which counties have sales tax referendums on the ballot; a look at what books may be banned from middle and high school classrooms this week; and more!
Wednesday, Oct. 2 marks the beginning of the Jewish New Year. Here's how Greenville's temples are faring during power outages across the city.
“M” is for Mennonites. The Mennonites of South Carolina are a Protestant group descended from the Anabaptists of the Reformation.
“M” is for Mennonites. The Mennonites of South Carolina are a Protestant group descended from the Anabaptists of the Reformation.