Hello, I’m Amanda McNulty with Clemson Extension and Making It Grow. Oh, my goodness, Christmas morning was a magical time for the three McNulty kids who lived on Woodleigh Road in Columbia. Billy Mc and I would be up in the wee hours of the morning, Kappy sometimes slept in, and we were allowed to see what was in our stocking. We never had fancy monogramed stockings, those fancy trappings weren’t emphasized much back then. But in those stockings was always an orange or tangerine that we thought Santa Claus put in there to take up space. But in my parents’ youth, any citrus was a huge deal. Momma said she would try to save her orange for a few days before eating it but would have to hide it from her brother. In those days people ate local -- and now that’s back in style.
Citrus in Christmas stockings

SC Public Radio