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The latest South Carolina Public Radio News reports on the spread of the coronavirus and efforts to fight it.

Vaccination Politics - Governor and Senate Spar Over State Vaccination Plans

Dr. Edward Simmers testifying during his DHEC confirmation hearing before the Senate Medical Affairs Committee on Tuesday, February 2, 2021.
Russ McKinney/SC Public Radio

 The slow pace of COVID vaccinations across the state, and the need to vaccinate teachers in an effort to get more students in classrooms reached a boiling point at the Statehouse this week.

In the Senate there was harsh criticism of DHEC, the state’s public health agency for its’ handling of the vaccine distribution.

Gov. McMaster announced that beginning next week persons 65 years and older will be authorized to join healthcare workers in receiving vaccinations.

A resolution introduced by Republican Majority Leader Shane Massey would direct the 70 thousand teachers and school personnel who indicate they would take a vaccine be vaccinated over a thirty day period ahead of everyone else.

Russ McKinney has 30 years of experience in radio news and public affairs. He is a former broadcast news reporter in Spartanburg, Columbia and Atlanta. He served as Press Secretary to former S.C. Governor Dick Riley for two terms, and for 20 years was the chief public affairs officer for the University of South Carolina.