“P” is for Pee Dee River. The Pee Dee is a river system that drains northeastern South Carolina and central North Carolina. It is properly called the Great Pee Dee or more commonly the Big Pee Dee to distinguish it from one of its tributaries, the Little Pee Dee River. One of the Carolinas’ principal rivers, the Pee Dee begins its journey in the mountains of North Carolina, where it is known as the Yadkin River, and travels 197 miles in South Carolina to meet the Atlantic Ocean in Georgetown’s Winyah Bay. Along the way, the Pee Dee receives the inflow of several smaller streams, including the Black, Little Pee Dee, Lynches, and Waccamaw Rivers. The Pee Dee River was named for the Native American people of the same name who inhabited the region.
“P” is for Pee Dee River.