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  • I mentioned yesterday that by the mid-1700's the modern flute, technically called the transverse flute, had to a great extent replaced the recorder. The replacement wasn’t complete, though: both Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel had continued to write for both instruments.
  • I mentioned yesterday that by the mid-1700's the modern flute, technically called the transverse flute, had to a great extent replaced the recorder. The replacement wasn’t complete, though: both Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel had continued to write for both instruments.
  • The flute is one of mankind’s oldest instruments, and in one form or another it’s been known to virtually every culture around the world.
  • The flute is one of mankind’s oldest instruments, and in one form or another it’s been known to virtually every culture around the world.
  • A wind instrument is any instrument whose sound is produced by a column of air vibrating inside some sort of tube, or pipe. But I’d like to clear up a common misconception: Wind players aren’t blowing away to try to fill up their instruments with air —the air inside a wind instrument is already there.
  • A wind instrument is any instrument whose sound is produced by a column of air vibrating inside some sort of tube, or pipe. But I’d like to clear up a common misconception: Wind players aren’t blowing away to try to fill up their instruments with air —the air inside a wind instrument is already there.
  • Claude Debussy once referred to Bach’s music as “pure musical arabesque.”
  • Claude Debussy once referred to Bach’s music as “pure musical arabesque.”
  • It was in the 1830's and 40's that a German flutist and flute maker named Theobald Boehm revolutionized flute playing.
  • It was in the 1830's and 40's that a German flutist and flute maker named Theobald Boehm revolutionized flute playing.