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U.S. Congress

  • Democrats Michael Moore and Mac Deford want to replace Republican incumbent Nancy Mace in South Carolina's 1st congressional district.
  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is in Washington DC Wednesday, December 21, to meet with President Biden and to give a speech to a joint meeting of Congress. NPR is offering Special Coverage of the speech, beginning at 7:30 PM ET. It will be hosted by Juana Summers, joined by journalists from the NPR Politics team and International Desk.South Carolina Public Radio will carry NPR's coverage on all stations.You can watch a live stream of the event here...
  • Upending the midterm elections, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham has introduced a nationwide abortion ban. The bill would prohibit abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, except in cases of rape, incest or danger to the physical health of the mother. The legislation introduced Tuesday is sending shockwaves through both parties with just weeks before voters go to the polls. Graham's own Republican colleagues did not immediately embrace his abortion ban bill, which has almost no chance of becoming law in the Democratic-held Congress.
  • U.S. House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn says he hopes that his colleagues in both chambers see the renewed earmarks process as more transparent and accountable, to the benefit of all constituents regardless of party. The No. 3 House Democrat told The Associated Press in a recent interview that he sees "nothing political" about trying to best serve districts. Clyburn's comments came as the window for the next fiscal year closes on the requests. The once-popular practice of member-directed funding requests was banished from Congress a decade ago. Critics thought too many projects fostered a "pay to play" culture. Rebranded as "community project funding," the process has returned, as lawmakers in both parties grew frustrated by their inability to shape spending legislation.
  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will deliver a virtual address to Congress Wednesday morning. His remarks come as the Russian invasion of Ukraine enters its third week.Watch live, here...
  • Congress has given final approval to legislation guaranteeing that people who experience sexual harassment at work can seek recourse in the courts. It's a milestone for the #MeToo movement that prompted a national reckoning on the way sexual misconduct claims are handled in the U.S. The measure is expected to be signed by President Joe Biden. It bars employment contracts from forcing people to settle sexual assault or harassment cases through arbitration rather than in court. Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York has spearheaded the legislation. She calls it "one of the most significant workplace reforms in American history."
  • A modest room in the Capitol has been named after the first Black member of the House. He was Rep. Joseph H. Rainey, who was born into slavery in 1832 and served as a Reconstruction-era member of Congress. No. 3 House Democratic leader James Clyburn, Rainey's great-granddaughter Lorna Rainey and others used the event to talk about continuing efforts for social justice and voting rights. Clyburn, like Rainey, is from South Carolina. Clyburn lamented that there was 95 years between Reconstruction and when he was elected as South Carolina's next Black congressman.
  • President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and congressional Democrats commemorate the one-year anniversary of the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol. Supporters of then-President Trump stormed the building after a rally at the White House to protest the 2020 election certification.
  • President Biden is addressing a joint session of Congress on the eve of 100 days in office. Watch his remarks live.
  • The House is formally transmitting the article of impeachment against former President Donald Trump tot he Senate, setting the stage for the trial in that…