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US Supreme Court

  • On this episode of the South Carolina Lede for May 25, 2024: an update from SC Public Radio reporter Victoria Hansen on the 1st Congressional District Republican primary race; former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley comes around to the Trump train after being his final primary opponent; Gov. McMaster signed several bills into law this week, including a law with new penalties for drunk driving; and more!
  • The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday said it will not take up a South Carolina coastal port dispute between the state and dockworkers at the Leatherman Terminal.
  • October 14, 2023 — A recap of this week's US Supreme Court hearing about South Carolina's redrawn 1st congressional district map that a lower court ruled was racially gerrymandered; the results of the latest Winthrop Poll; and more.
  • The nation's highest court will now decide if South Carolina's 1st Congressional District was racially gerrymandered and must be redrawn or if a lower court got it wrong.
  • The Supreme Court is taking up a congressional redistricting case from South Carolina that could shape the fight for partisan control of the House of Representatives. Arguments taking place at the high court Wednesday will focus on a coastal district held by Republican Rep. Nancy Mace. A lower court ordered the district redrawn after finding Republicans who control the state Legislature improperly moved Democratic-leaning Black voters into another district to make the seat safer for Mace.
  • A U.S. Supreme Court decision a decade ago that tossed out the heart of the Voting Rights Act continues to reverberate across the country. Republican-led states continue to pass voting restrictions that, in several cases, would have been subject to federal review had the court left the provision intact. The conservative-leaning court has continued to take other cases challenging elements of the landmark 1965 law. The justices are expected to rule in the coming weeks in a case out of Alabama that could make it much more difficult for minority groups to sue over gerrymandered political maps that dilute their representation.
  • The Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether South Carolina's congressional districts need to be redrawn because they discriminate against Black voters. The justices said Monday they would review a lower-court ruling that found a coastal district running from Charleston to Hilton Head was intentionally redrawn to reduce the number of Black Democratic-leaning voters to make it more likely Republican candidates would win.
  • The Supreme Court will hear arguments this week over President Joe Biden's student debt relief plan. It's a plan that impacts millions of borrowers who could see their loans wiped away or reduced. Republican-appointed judges have kept the Democratic president's plan from going into effect. It's unclear how the court will respond. The court is dominated 6-3 by conservatives. The justices have scheduled two hours of arguments in the case Tuesday, though it'll probably go longer. The public can listen in on the court's website beginning at 10 a.m. Eastern. The court is hearing challenges by two students and by six Republican-led states: Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and South Carolina.
  • A federal appeals court has denied South Carolina Republicans' motion for a stay in the ongoing challenge over the state's congressional district map. Leading GOP lawmakers will now take their case to the U.S. Supreme Court in attempt to avoid redrawing the map that a three-judge federal panel last month deemed unconstitutional. According to an early January ruling, the boundaries passed last year by the Republican-dominated state Legislature mark an intentional splitting of Black voters in South Carolina's 1st District. In their Feb. 4 order, the judges postponed the date by which new maps may be presented.
  • The Supreme Court has lifted a temporary hold on Sen. Lindsey Graham's testimony in a Georgia investigation of possible illegal interference in the 2020 election by then-President Donald Trump and his allies in the state. The high court on Tuesday left no legal impediments in the way of Graham's appearance before a special grand jury, now scheduled for Nov. 17. But in an unsigned order, the justices noted that Graham still could raise objections to some questions. The South Carolina senator, a top Trump ally, had argued that a provision of the Constitution, the speech and debate clause, shields him from being forced to testify. Lower courts had rebuffed Graham's plea for a pause while the legal case plays out.