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Alfred Turner

Alfred Turner

Producer/Co-Host, Walter Edgar's Journal

Alfred Turner is a familiar voice to many listeners, having hosted past programs such as The Morning ConcertStandard Time and various specials. He was also South Carolina Public Radio’s webmaster for many years, and producer for Walter Edgar's Journal and South Carolina from A to Z. Having retired from SC Public Radio in June of 2023, he continues in a freelance capacity to produce both The Journal and A-Z.

Over more than 36years Alfred worked as recording engineer, post production engineer, and/or producer on dozens of projects, both nationally distributed (JazzSet, Marian McPartland's Piano Jazz, Main Street Jazz) , regionally broadcast (In the Tradition), and local shows (co-producer of Spoleto Today, engineer and producer for two episodes of Live at Pugs). He had also served SC Public Radio and SCETV as Director of On-Air Fundraising and as Program Director/Operations Manager (radio).

Alfred has been a Doctor Who fan since the mid-1980s, when he began watching on SCETV, and often annoys his wife and three adult children with references to both the classic series and new Who.