Also known as Aunt Pearlie Sue, Singleton-Prather is an educator, storyteller, and historian of the Gullah culture.
Anita Singleton-Prather grew up thinking she would study law and become a civil rights attorney. Instead she became a master storyteller, author and educator. Her work has influenced civil rights and has preserved stories and history about the Gullah culture and South Carolina. Known as Aunt Pearlie Sue, she has performed at the World Bank and the White House, but her roots are in Beaufort. “As Aunt Pearlie Sue, I get to say things and address issues that maybe Anita Prather can’t say,” Prather said. She added, “There’s only one earth. We can decide to destroy it together or we can decide to try to preserve it together.”
Her advice to young people: “You have to love yourself first, before you’re ready for someone else to love you. And there’s no such thing as my better half.