North Charleston officials are celebrating after the ribbon-cutting ceremony Thursday of a new sports facility.
The wide empty spaces in pews between parishioners at a Sunday service at Zion Baptist Church in South Carolina's capital highlight a post-pandemic reality common among many Black Protestant churches across the nation. According to a new Pew Research Center survey, attendance fell 15 percentage points at Black Protestant churches after the COVID outbreak. Researchers say no other major religious group has registered a decline of this magnitude. Despite the drop, pastors and parishioners say Black churches remain fundamental to Black communities, providing refuge and hope, especially during times of challenge.
On a given day, the United Way of Greenville County used to field 50, maybe 60 calls from residents needing help. When the pandemic and its economic…
This edition of Narrative features an interview with Gary Goodman, General Manager of the South Carolina State Fair. After more than three decades,…
The Lexington Countywide Stormwater Consortium will host a “Build Your Own Rain Barrel”Workshop on Thursday, October 30, 2014, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.…
The South Carolina Department of Commerce is hosting the Carolinas Plastics Recycling Council Meeting on October 16th from 10AM to 2PM. Pre-register for…
Teaching children to live sustainably is a task for which we are all responsible, so talk with your child's science teacher about a student garden…